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Surrey Whalley’s No.1 Pawn Broker Since 1992

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    Please note that estimations are not guaranteed, and are subject to change when evaluated in-store.

    Please allow some time for staff to look into your item. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

    DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Term: Pawn loans are 60 days. Your loan is meant to be paid in full within this time frame. Example: A $100 loan would cost $12.00 if redeemed within the first month, and $22.00 within the 2nd month. Monthly charges include $3.00 interest, plus $7.00 for storage and a $2.00 handling charge per transaction. The APR on this loan is 60%. Actual rates may vary by location and by item size or loan amount. For full terms and conditions, please visit our Terms and Conditions page.